Article in “Calm” magazine about the book “A healthier home, a happier family” and the “Healthy Habitat” project

News in the magazine “Calm” about the book “A healthier home, a happier family” and the “Healthy Habitat” project SEE MORE back
Article in Prevenir magazine about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family”

Article in Prevenir magazine about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family” Author – Journalists Carlos Eugénio Augusto and Vanda Oliveira SEE MORE back
Article in Mood webmagazine about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family”

Article in the Mood webmagazine about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family” SEE MORE back
Article in Lux magazine – Special Decoration about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family”

Article in Lux magazine – Special Decoration about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family” Author – Director of the magazine: Ana Cáceres Monteiro SEE MORE back
Article on Teresa Guilherme’s blog “Like3ZA” about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family”

Article on Teresa Guilherme’s blog “Like3ZA” about the book “A Healthier Home, A Happier Family” SEE MORE back
Interview on SIC Mulher’s “Faz Sentido” program about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz” (A Healthier Home, a Happier Family)

Interview on SIC Mulher’s “Faz Sentido” program about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz” (A Healthier Home, a Happier Family) Interview – Ana Rita Clara back
NIT report on the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz”

Report at NIT about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz” Author – Journalist Ricardo Farinha SEE MORE back
Article in Sábado magazine based on the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz”

Article in Sábado magazine based on the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz” SEE MORE back
Interview on Porto Canal’s “Olá Maria” program about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz”

Interview on Porto Canal’s “Olá Maria” program about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz” Interview – Maria Cerqueira SEE MORE back
Interview on RDP Internacional’s afternoon program about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz” (A Healthier Home, a Happier Family), in the “Protagonists” section.

Interview on RDP Internacional’s afternoon program about the book “Uma Casa Mais Saudável, Uma Família Mais Feliz”, under the heading “Protagonists” Interview – Journalist Miguel Peixoto SEE MORE back